foot soldiers

美 [fʊt ˈsoʊldʒərz]英 [fʊt ˈsəʊldʒəz]
  • n.步兵;(组织中工作乏味而不担责任,但又不可或缺的)群众员工
  • foot soldier的复数
foot soldiersfoot soldiers

foot soldiers


  • 1
    N-COUNT (机构中工作内容单调但又不可或缺的)无名小卒,基层职工
    The foot soldiers of a particular organization are people who seem unimportant and who do not have a high position but who do a large amount of very important and often very boring work.

  1. It should do more than provide foot soldiers for the American economy .


  2. As foot soldiers and fighting men , civilians and citizens ,


  3. Looks like you got some foot soldiers now , huh ?


  4. What Will Foot Soldiers Like Tomorrow ?


  5. A kind of pike used by foot soldiers in the 14th century .


  6. The slaughter was very great ; Israel lost thirty thousand foot soldiers .


  7. The foot soldiers rapidly dispersed and vanished into the woods .


  8. Forcing the rest back to confound our foot soldiers .


  9. Delivery men are the unsung foot soldiers of our nation 's commerce .


  10. Always surround your knights with your foot soldiers .


  11. The foot soldiers , watching from the shore , soon lost sight of the hero .


  12. A large number of mounted and foot soldiers will pass through a single-wooden bridge .


  13. Both mounted and foot soldiers remain on the battlefield , however , despite the shifting advantage .


  14. To those men and women , to those foot soldiers for justice , know that this monument is yours , as well .


  15. They may also serve as the supporting cast of foot soldiers , attendants , and servants that is present in every Beijing opera troupe .


  16. First , it wants to nurture independence of thought in young researchers , encouraging them to work for themselves rather than as foot soldiers for professors .


  17. Soon after the peace jirga , we have noticed some momentum within a certain degree of leadership of their position and also within the foot soldiers .


  18. At the village , the Taliban spokesman had arranged interviews with Taliban foot soldiers in the tiny garden of a local mosque .


  19. As budding foot soldiers for health , mothers are taught to fear food that is Chemical , Removes body 's nutrients , is Addictive and Processed .


  20. They 're the foot soldiers of a Jew-hatin ' , mass murderin'maniac and they need to be dee-stroyed .


  21. Think of the civil rights heroes and foot soldiers who marched , protested , and risked their lives to bring about the end of segregation and Jim Crow .


  22. The majority of recent pirate trials involve men at the midrange of these organizations or foot soldiers suborned into piracy for their sailing knowledge , a regional counterterrorism official said .


  23. Behind the three rows are eleven tunnel passageways that lead to that part of the vault where 40 columns of troops are lined up , foot soldiers alternating with horse-drawn war chariots .


  24. The abstraction of the functionality of the layers is developed so the decision-makers and the foot soldiers can use the abstraction to plan , execute , and evaluate the efficacy of the IT system 's procedures and processes .


  25. The researchers expected to find that these 16,000 miserable workers were mostly downtrodden foot soldiers , or misunderstood cranky geniuses , or the hopelessly incompetent who could be sacked at any minute .


  26. In their own way , they are both foot soldiers in the migrant army that built the economic phenomenon that is China . This is the cohort that helped lay the foundation for a two-superpower world anchored at one end in Washington and the other in Beijing .
